Bonita and Fort Myers Painters
At Anthony Bone Painting and Finishing painting isn’t just our job, it’s our passion! We are a talented team of Fort Myers painters that offer interior and exterior painting services for all your coating application needs. From a simple one-room repaint, to a whole-house remodel, we can handle it all. And don’t just think of walls and ceilings – remember cabinets, fixtures and such. They are surfaces too!
For several years now we have been the only painting contractor selected by the management team of the Thomas Edison home in Ft Myers to restore the areas most historic home back to it’s original splendor. This not only included painting the home but also repairing and restoring every facet of the home. From repairing water damaged doors and window casings to grinding down and sealing the original hardware for the shutters. It was painstaking work but when you’re passionate about what you do, it’s all part of a day’s work.
I know you don’t live in don’t live in a historic home like Thomas Edison’s but we’ll treat your home as if you do. Let us show you what real craftsmanship looks like when it comes to restoring the beauty of your home.